Naturally we, at North Country, want you to take your canoe trip with us. We also fully realize that no one individual outfitter can be all things to all people. For that reason, we have outlined a few areas you might want to consider when selecting the outfitter that’s right for you.

For every person that dips a paddle into one of our sparkling lakes, there is a particular set of reasons for taking a canoe trip. Quite often. members of the same party want different things from their wilderness experience. And that is how it should be. The outfitter you choose should be in a position to take all of those reasons into account, and be able to discuss them as he plans your trip with you.

It is very important to actually talk to your prospective outfitter. And when you initially talk to an outfitter (whether at a sport show or on the telephone) does he actually ask what you were looking for?

Does he start talking about beginning a trip from a particular lake, or into a specific area, without really knowing your unique circumstances?

How close is he going to be when it comes time to design your route around your expectations and ability level?

There are thousands of lakes in the north country; each one is unique. Some are good on one occasion, others may be better for another trip

If you would like some guidance in how to pick out the best outfitter, please visit our guide How to Pick the Best Outfitter.